How Much Can I Borrow?

This borrowing calculator gives you an initial guide to how much you'll be able to borrow for a home loan.

With this estimate of what you can afford to borrow for your home loan, based on your current salary and your financial commitments. It's just an approximation, when you do speak with a Home Lending Specialist you'll find that different lenders will lend you different amounts.

It's essential that you enter in realistic figures to get an accurate estimate of what you will comfortably be able to afford. This means taking the time to work out how much you really do spend each month on bills and living expenses. While you might be able to cut back on some of the luxuries, you want to be sure that you can still live a lifestyle you can enjoy, and not be burdened by the stress of a financial commitment that stops you doing the things you love.

But, you ask how much can i borrow?

By pairing this calculator with the Mortgage Repayment Calculator you can work out how your rates of repayments will vary with the term of the loan and changing interest rates.

It's handy to go through this process before you make an appointment with a Home Lending Specialist so that you're fully informed on what to expect, and you have an understanding of what your budget for your first home will be. When you speak to a broker you can get a personalised loan recommendation, based on all the details of your current financial circumstances.

Speak with us today to find out exactly how much you can borrow, and which of our huge selection of lenders and loan products will be right for you. Call 1300 366 287 or fill out a pre-approval enquiry form and you'll be on the way to having all the expert advice you'll need to make the right decisions.


The Loan Amount calculated by our borrowing power calculator is based on the information that you provide and information sourced from third parties. It might not be the amount that you need to refinance your property. It's designed to provide you with a guide to how much you can borrow but doesn't take into account eligibility for the home loan, or your complete financial position.

When you speak to a Home Lending Specialist there may be some types of income that can't be counted towards your total income in a loan application, such as commission or overtime. Some other assumptions that we make when you use this calculator are:

  • Expenses: If you enter expenses that are less than we think they should be, we'll apply the 'Basic Australian Household Expenses' amount
  • Interest rate buffer: We include a buffer in our calculations to allow for the effect of interest rate rises when we work out how much you can afford. When you actually apply for a home loan, the buffer allowed might be a bit higher, depending on which loan product you choose.
  • Interest rate: The calculation is based on the current standard variable interest rate. When you choose to fix your interest rate for a period of time, this could change the outcome.
  • We can't predict how interest rates will change in the future, so the current interest rate is used to calculate the loan estimate.

  • Income before/after tax: Your income calculation within this calculator won't allow for any HECS or HELP levies that you may have to pay or other commitments or levies that you might need to pay.


Don't use this calculator as a basis for making any legal or financial commitments. The calculator is just a guide, and you should seek specialist advice in relation to your financial commitments when taking out a home loan or refinancing.

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